Real Talk

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This past week, I had a spontaneous lunch date with an old friend. We hadn’t seen each other in nearly two decades, but recently ran into one another only to realize we basically live in the same neighborhood.  So we did what any well assuming gal pal would do and exchanged updated cell numbers, vowing […]

Wise words from an old friend 

the latest

Okay, bear with me cause I’m going to age myself yet again as well as continue to embarrass myself with my musical tastes, BUT… Did you ever listen to Hanson? Even if you didn’t, do you remember their hit song MMMBop? I’m sure you do. Anyways, it came on my Spotify in the car over […]

Lessons From The Radio

Real Talk

I can barely believe it but it’s ALMOST spring.  Which means we can finally each emerge from our hibernation and experience our own awakening. Like, where do I sign up?! Nothing like spring to usher in fresh feels, if you know what I mean.  New sneakers. New haircut. New routine. Shoot, maybe even a new […]

False Evidence Appearing Real 

Real Talk

Nothing works unless you do.  There, I said it.  Eeep, I know. Slightly triggering.  Here’s the thing though, you know I’m gonna call you out. And you know I’ll call myself out while I’m at it. There is no shame in my game! 😉  The books, the workshops, the courses, the masterminds, the retreats, the […]

Have you ever heard someone say something and it legit stops you in your tracks? Like, it hits you and you’re like damnnnnnn, yup.  I had one of those moments recently and I wanted to share it here with you.  I was doing a five day challenge a couple of weeks ago with Brad Bizjack […]

Taking Care of Business

Real Talk

Hey friend,  I want to introduce you to something new I’ll be doing around here. Moving forward, each Monday morning I’ll be dropping a message in your inbox.  It will be succinct, to the point and not waste your time.  My goal is that it will be highly valuable and give you a new way […]

The Start of Something New

Real Talk

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