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Can you believe it? It’s 2025. Like, really. And it’s the first Friday of a new year. So much excitement and anticipation for what’s ahead, yay! Anyways, I freaking love January. And no, not just because it’s my birthday month. I love it because there are no expectations. You can make her anything you want. First off, […]
Shocking, I know. But yes, I’m here this morning to remind you: YOU’RE ALLOWED TO CHANGE YOUR MIND And then, if you want to, change it again. And again. And yep, again (and again and again) eeep! Did you have a vision or a goal for yourself that no longer aligns? Cool, you’re allowed to […]
If you’re anything like me, you probably like to win. (Side note: If you’re reading this and you actually don’t, no judgement whatsoever, but you probably will want to unsubscribe, because you won’t have any fun here.) And if you’re anything like me, you enjoy achieving. Making an impact. Showing up fully with your light […]
I know you know that I’m an action oriented kinda gal. And if you’re reading this, chances are that you are too. (Hello, my people!) But – I wanted to take a minute to remind you why. Cuz, it’s important. 1. Thinking about something doesn’t get results 2. Talking about something doesn’t get results But TAKING ACTION, […]
I see it every damn day y’all. And it’s time I (lovingly) call you out on it. Your incongruence. And your duplicity. Okay, okay. What in the heck am I even talking about? Here’s what I mean… You’ll say/think/feel something like “Oh, Courtney, I want to make more money!” and then in another breath/thought/feeling you’ll be […]
Being back in the saddle and ready to get to work this fall, I realized last week that with an ever growing to-do list and the absence of our nanny (more on that later, ha!) that whether I liked it or not I was about about to become the newest inductee into the infamous 5AM […]
It’s September and I’m *finally* back from my summer sabbatical. And damn y’all, it feels GOOD. The light is beginning to change outside (along with the leaves – just ever so slightly) and cooler temps and refreshed vibes are ushering their way in, too. Can you feel it? Mmmm, fall is indeed on the way. Anyways, there’s a […]