Feel Good Favorites

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Good morning and a very Happy Wealthy Woman’s Day to you! Or Happy Wealthy Man’s Day, you know everyone is welcome around these parts. 🙂  Yep, it’s April 15th (Tax Day) but as a creative solopreneur who is busy making moves and building empires, I choose to celebrate the latter. I hope you’ll join me!  […]

Risk Is Required 

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This morning I wanted to give us a little math lesson. Fun, right? Hear me out though, because no, it’s not the kind you think. I never did like math class, anyways. 😉  Basically, I want to show you an equation, a universal law of sorts, and then explain to you how pretty much everybody […]

When The Math Ain’t Mathin’ 

Feel Good Favorites

As you’re reading this, I’m not actually sure how long you’ve been around these parts. So, let me loop you in on something you may (or may not!) know about me: I get a weekly blowout. Yes, someone else shampoos and blow-dries my hair once a week.  Sue me. 😛  I share this, because that […]

Mistakes? I Don’t Make Them 

Feel Good Favorites

Between a workshop I’m hosting all day tomorrow in my home, a holiday party I’m hosting Wednesday evening for ~50 (also in my home), Greg and I being out of town Thursday and Friday and me watching my neighbor’s 2 year old on Saturday, I hate to break it to y’all, but there will be […]

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “I hope you dance.”  It’s the title of a Lee Ann Womack song that debuted in 2000 (which yes, actually feels a lot like 2000 years ago!) and is an expression to step out, embrace life and take a chance.  Well, I’ve got one for you this morning: I […]


Feel Good Favorites

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