Feel Good Favorites

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The season of thanks and giving (and dog shows, parades and football!) is upon us and I couldn’t think of a more perfect time to profess my love for you.  No, but like, for real.   I am beyond grateful for you. Each and every single one of the nearly 1,700 of you that read my words […]

Beyond thankful for you 

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Ever felt a lack of motivation? What about a sense of overwhelm? Or even suffered from some serious procrastination? Yeah, me too. Well guess what? None of these actually mean anything on their own.  Instead, they’re simply indicators.  Let me share what I mean… If you’ve ever lacked motivation (hello, been there!), it’s a signal […]

Feeling like you’re flat-lining?

Feel Good Favorites

Tell me, have you ever had a really spot on to-do list ready and raring to go and then out of nowhere, you found yourself sitting on the floor organizing the paper products in your pantry?  Someone please comment and tell me I’m not the only one… Or maybe it was cleaning out your freezer, […]

Have you ever done this before?

Feel Good Favorites

Ugh, it’s here. My annual summer blues have officially come home to roost.  And y’all, it’s SO annoying.  Like, nothing is *actually* wrong, nothing’s happened (and nothing’s “not happening”) it’s just that time of year where I feel blah.  I can tell I am not myself.  I can tell I am not aligned.  I can tell I am […]

As you read this I’ll be waking up with Greg and William for our first full day in Disney World! Like seriously, who am I? Anyways, I wanted this morning’s email to be super light and fun by sharing a few of my favorite (and totally random!) songs that have been on repeat lately. See […]

My Recent Playlist (Giggles Welcome!) 

Feel Good Favorites

Good morning and a very Happy Wealthy Woman’s Day to you! Or Happy Wealthy Man’s Day, you know everyone is welcome around these parts. 🙂  Yep, it’s April 15th (Tax Day) but as a creative solopreneur who is busy making moves and building empires, I choose to celebrate the latter. I hope you’ll join me!  […]

Risk Is Required 

Feel Good Favorites

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11 Things You Can Do Today To Unlock Your Next Level 

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