Just yesterday, Greg and I went and saw The Atlanta Symphony’s performance of Home Alone.
It’s a really cool concept and I highly recommend checking if your local orchestra does something similar. Basically, you’re in the Symphony’s performing arts hall while they’re on the stage.
Overhead, a big screen plays Home Alone.
Except, the soundtrack is performed LIVE by the orchestra on stage!
It was awesome.
Anyways, I had three thoughts that Home Alone brought to the surface for me yesterday and I wanted to share them with you this morning.
First: everything is always working out exactly as it should be and for the highest favor and good.
This may sound crazy, but, while Kevin got left “home alone” he wound up being completely and totally fine.
And in the end, had this chain of events not happened they never would have caught the Wet Bandits.
Definitely a service to the greater good of humanity.
Plus, through the experience Kevin comes around to really appreciate his family and not take them for granted.
And y’all, while Home Alone is fictitious Hollywood entertainment at its finest, real life works this way, too.
If you’ll just believe (much like Kevin did – that his family would vanish and then eventually – come back) I pinky promise that everything around us is always working with us, not against us and that the highest favor and good is always always always winning out!
I dare you to show me a time in your life when it wasn’t.
Go ahead. I’ll wait.
Second: you’re allowed to feel complicated feelings about your family.
Phew, this one’s a doozy.
But, I really appreciated the old man talking to Kevin in the church and reminding him that families can be tough and we’re allowed to feel a certain way about them.
In the end though, they’re still our family and we still love them.
Pretty simple stuff, I suppose, but a great reminder nonetheless.
Third: go after what you want.
Y’all, for the love of all things, stop waiting on the trumpets to sound or for someone to show up and give you something.
Instead, go make shit happen and grab it yourself!
We see Catherine O’Hara (the actress playing Kevin’s mom) do this when she refuses to leave the airport in France.
Instead, she hangs around hoping to catch a standby ticket.
And while I appreciate this, it’s just barely scratching the surface and is only passive action – she’s still waiting for something to happen to her. Womp womp.
But then, she takes it one step further. MY GIRL!
She takes the situation into her own hands and offers up her two first class tickets, $500, a pocket translator, a faux Rolex, some dangly earrings and ALL THE THINGS to the older couple so she can take their seat and get home to Kevin by Christmas.
Boom. Done.
Now, where in your life can you take action and stop sitting around waiting on that standby flight?
All it takes is one step, one thing, one forward movement. And maybe a pair of dangly earrings, or two! 😉
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