I see it every damn day y’all. And it’s time I (lovingly) call you out on it.
Your incongruence.
And your duplicity.
Okay, okay. What in the heck am I even talking about?
Here’s what I mean…
You’ll say/think/feel something like “Oh, Courtney, I want to make more money!” and then in another breath/thought/feeling you’ll be like “Ugh, I hate paying taxes.”
Sound familiar?
Newsflash: If you desire to earn more money, all things being equal, you’re gonna have to pay more taxes.
Like, welcome to planet Earth, it’s how it works here.
With that being said, if you desire to be wealthy and abundant, a great practice to implement is getting super comfortable and heck, even excited, by writing the IRS big fat checks.
In fact, I literally did a dance when Greg and I mailed off a nearly six figure payment to them back in April (and yes, that’s *after* paying quarterly all of last year) because of all the blood, sweat, tears, focus, dedication, determination and GROWTH it represented for us.
Y’all, *this* is embodiment.
And here’s the thing, too – your incongruence (not being in alignment with what you say you desire) and duplicity (saying one thing, but doing another) don’t necessarily have to do with earning more moolah.
I see it with y’all regarding the clientele you want to serve, the boundaries you want to establish, the respect you desire to earn, the weight you wanna lose, the lifestyle you want to live and the parent and spouse you feel called to be.
And then I see you do the exact stuff that would negate making these things possible.
You can’t talk out of both sides of your mouth, ya hear me?
Now, I don’t say all of this because I’m some big meanie. No, I say it because I give a f*ck and I care about you. (And truly, I know nobody else is gonna give you this wake up call, either!)
So, where can you set yourself straight and start embracing and embodying your desires rather than contradicting them?
You’ll be amazed when you approach your life in this way *consistently*, how quickly what you’ve embodied simply becomes who you are.
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