Being back in the saddle and ready to get to work this fall, I realized last week that with an ever growing to-do list and the absence of our nanny (more on that later, ha!) that whether I liked it or not I was about about to become the newest inductee into the infamous 5AM Club.
I sat with myself for a minute about it and accepted my fate.
Then I gave myself a pep talk and truly got excited!
After first thinking I had a “problem” (too much to do and not enough time) I realized that in fact, I could solve my own problem fairly easily, instantly and well, for free.
(Okay, okay, so maybe 5am at the computer isn’t actually *that* easy, but hey, you know what I mean!)
I drafted out my first “5AM Club” schedule in Trello for the following day and set up the alarm on my phone for 4:53AM.
I felt really good and really solid.
And then, I didn’t. lololololol
As I was going to bed that night, with plans to start the 5AM Club the very next morning, I could feel it in my bones that this wasn’t going to work and that I didn’t want to do this.
That there had to be another way. A better way.
So I pulled out my phone and took a double take at my schedule.
And then, it hit me!
I could simply rearrange where in the day I worked out and went to the sauna and all of the sudden maximize my time more efficiently post carpool drop off to get all of my stuff done, even with some extra free time to spare.
Then I could rinse and repeat this updated and rearranged schedule every day (if needed) or simply utilize it on days where my to-do list felt a little bit longer and more pressing.
So, why do I share this revelation with you?
Because I guarantee, if you do a double take, you’ll find what you need, right where you need it. And right under your nose, at that!
Whether it’s your schedule, your finances, something personal or something professional, just take another look, from another angle and see what you find.
I think what you discover will surprise you. And I can’t wait to hear about it!
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