Ever felt a lack of motivation?
What about a sense of overwhelm?
Or even suffered from some serious procrastination?
Yeah, me too.
Well guess what? None of these actually mean anything on their own.
Instead, they’re simply indicators.
Let me share what I mean…
If you’ve ever lacked motivation (hello, been there!), it’s a signal that you’ve lost a connection to your purpose and it’s time to re-evaluate.
Because when we are connected to our purpose and our calling and are truly walking in our gift, lemme tell ya, there is an endless bounty of motivation. Naturally and without even thinking about it.
Now, we are still human and rest, breaks, delegating, outsourcing and recognizing that everything is a season is real.
But when we don’t have motivation, we simply don’t have a connection to what we are doing anymore.
You can ask yourself these questions:
- Why am I doing what I’m doing?
- How does it affect my life?
- How does it serve others?
- How does it impact the world?
- Why do I even desire it in the first place?
Essentially, we have to get really clear and really concise and then, be REALLY honest with ourselves when we answer.
And if you’re ever caught yourself procrastinating, it’s typically an indication that you either don’t actually want what you say you want (self awareness, y’all!), don’t want to be doing it anymore (hey, that’s ok!) or that you want to do the thing differently or simply desire a new level of support around it.
So pay attention to these indicators as they pop up and understand that as the gentle observer of your life you can always reevaluate and revisit stuff.
Know that you get to rearrange things that aren’t feeling good.
And that in fact, you get to let them go completely if that’s what comes up for you.
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